Saturday, 5 January 2013

use same technic to get rid of diabetes

1 Mix up all medical systems
HIV is a typical one which destroys immunity.  Therefore HIV patient may face lung infections, jaundice, kidney  troubles, eyes ,hear t problems, piles, etc., As we eat salt,soar,mirch etc.,in food.Can we eat only salt or only soar or only mirch?So many items are comprised in our food. Why? Only salt or only mirch or only soar! Can we imazine? Because mixing up so many items in our food saves our life. In the same manner hiv/aids patient should not use only one medical system for their life as they faces a lot of ill health for any organ of body. For example when any one got heart attack can we go to Homeopathic or ayurvedic  doctors ? If we went mean we die. That bypass surgery can be available in only allopathiy. In the same manner if you get piles there is no proper medicine in allopathy.It is available in homeopathy only. when we get jaundice if we go allopathy we may lost our life because proper medicine is available with ayurveda or herbal doctors only. For example there is no medicine for diabetes in allopathic, homeopathy, Ayurveda to cure it. Diabetes will be cured only by pranayama. Therefore HIV patient should use each and every possible medial system when is needed to save their life. Nowadays for HIV patients must use allopathic medicines but as you know allopathic medicines have lot of side effects must be raised in them. That side effects of such allopathic medicines can be removed by Homeopathy and ayurveda.Then you can achieve excellent results.Allopathy,Homeopathy ,Ayurvedadiffers wit each other, ignore them and mix up all possible medical systems and live healthy human being. If you get any trouble,each medical system doctor says you, that problem is raised due to other medical systems. Ignore….Ignore…..and live long.
2.Pranayama and asanaas.
Pranayama and asana will work very well in HIV patients. Without spending single penny hiv patient can live normal life within few months.Asanaas also good for health but they will take a lot of time to perform. So better opt  pranayama  and start with five minutes for day and increase time to that extent your health will be improved. And pranaayaamas are very easy to perform. Do anuloma viloma,kapalbhaathi,bhastrica and nowadays you can learn them from net. Better fallow baba ramdev videos on pranayamas
3. Every HIV patient must listen old melodies which can give pleasure to mind. And it is must to do prayer which revokes your body to fight with virus efficiently.
Diet plays key role in HIV patient. They must take special food as HIV is a special one. They must take honey which has thousands of benefits. Garlic, turmeric, onions, lemon, coconut, jack fruit, bananas, leafs like kondapindi, guntagalagara, tella galijeru,payalaakuelikajemudu leaves are very useful to hiv patients.
 5. Herbs are very useful  for HIV patients.
Especially I found that my patient who is suffering from HIV, even after 20 years with hiv, leading healthy life due to aswagandha,nelavemu,adavi vempali,neem bark,papaya leaves juice. And remember alovera+tulasi+honey is must for HIV patients.
6 Panchagavya or  panchaamruth
Mix up of dung, urine, milk, ghee, curd of indigenous cow with honey is called panchaamruth, which is given in most of Hindu temples is very good for health and even within three months HIV patients may be recovered a lot. However other than Hindus may not like this like Hindus who feels this is holy thing.  
7  Each edible oil has its own benefit. So mix up edible oils. Actually virgin coconut oil is very good for HIV patients. But so many people may not like this.Ricebran oil+sunflower oil+soyabean oil+sesame oil is a good combination for hiv patients.
8. Believe me.
My patient got at 9 the month HIV due to blood transfusion. When patient got it in 1993 patient’s property was marely 4000 dollors.And allopathic medicine cost was 200 dollars for month. After 20 months what can we do? So I completely used herbs like aswagandha, nelavemu, neem bark, and honey for 10 years till allopathic medicines became cheep and with less side effects. Now I am curing side effects with homeopathy and ayurveda. Now my patient is leading a very happy life.cd4 count increased from 340 to 1150.and viral load came down from lakhs to thousands even after 20 years of HIV. I never saw in my life a person who is using only allopathic medicines lead life more than 20  years. But it is must to use common sense.  While using this above mentioned. For example using lemon with acidity is not good. Coconut is not be used when you are feeling cough. If use this system I promise HIV patients will live long life more than a healthy man.
9All media persons and HIV patients should demand their governments and W.H.O
to establish an online toll free clinic comprising allopathic, homeopathic, herbal doctors,
to advice HIV patients. Then 60% of health problems of hiv patients will be cured without financial burden to them.
I advice HIV patients use net to herbs and for other information, I am also advising freely
Through my blog so plz avail it freely.
Name:katragadda subba rao
IF you want donate me to fight against hiv and diabetes my axis bank online account


Dear sir,
I Katragadda Subba rao request you to kindly publish for the sake of HIV patients and they will be thankful to you forever sir.

Thanking you sir,

                                                                          Your’s faithfully
